Stuff South Africa

Samsung is funding a range of smart windows that generate artificial sunlight

We all need our daily dose of Vitamin D, right? It’s essential to do…stuff. We don’t know what exactly, but we do know that it’s important. Yet as the lockdown progresses and the days get colder and shorter, it’s becoming harder and harder to bathe in those all-important sunbeams. Not to worry though, because SunnyFive has just the solution to this problem with its range of fake windows capable of generating artificial sunlight.

Funded by Samsung as a part of the company’s in-house incubator C-Labs, the SunnyFive window simulates a range of different sunlight conditions, letting users switch between settings such as “sunrise, dawn, dusk and sunset” via the SunnyFive app. Said app also allows users to adjust the brightness and colour temperature of the light. According to a post made on Samsung’s official site, the SunnyFive window will, “Helps users synthesize vitamin D while they are indoors or in low-lit places without having to worry about skin aging or sunburn.” Or, as is the most common case these days, concern themselves with contracting a virus.

It’s a super neat idea, one not far off of therapeutic light lamps designed to help people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Beyond the mental health benefits, it could also be a big win for those stuck in tiny apartments or flats that don’t get enough natural light. Even cooler than that? The SunnyFive window syncs up with the Samsung SmartThings app to add another layer to your snazzy smart home.

We unfortunately still know very little about the SunnyFive window. While aspects like pricing, power consumption and availability are all still up in the air, it’s cool to think those who might need such a gadget could eventually have one, with all the bells and whistles you could want in a fake window…except maybe the ability to see through it.

(Source: The Verge)

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