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Sony is giving away Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free, launches Play at Home initiative

Sony has decided to give away Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free. The cool thing is that you don’t even need PS Plus to access these games, you can claim them no strings attached. Beyond these free offerings, Sony has announced that they’re setting up a $10 million dollar fund for indie developers to help them through this obviously rough period.

We at Stuff play a lot of videogames, which is an incredibly obvious statement considering we’re complete and utter nerds. So when we catch wind that there are some great games being offered totally free, we jump on them like Mario crushing a Goomba. This week, Sony has announced that it’s offering two of it’s best exclusives to all PlayStation owners for the shockingly low price of absolutely nothing: Uncharted – The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey.  Technically, they’re actually offering four of their exclusives for free as The Nathan Drake Collection actually includes 3 remastered Uncharted games.

The cool thing is you don’t even need PS Plus, the PlayStation subscription service that usually hands out free games every month, to claim them. You’ll have to grab them by 5 May to keep them for good so you’ll fortunately have a lot of time.

Sony has also announced that they’ve set up a $10 million fund to help support indie developers but no specific details have been confirmed yet. You can expect more on this initiative in the near future.

Oh, and it would be remiss of us to not mention that Assassin’s Creed 2, the best game in the franchise, is also free on PC for the rest of the week, so you better grab it before Friday! You’ll have to use UPlay to access it but it’s a small price to pay for no price to pay on Assassin’s Creed 2.

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