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Hello darkness, my old friend: Facebook redesign finally lets desktop users go dark


The darkness may not have gotten you yet but it will. Oh, it will. We’re talking, of course, about Facebook’s upcoming changes for the desktop version of the social network. Dark mode is finally coming to the web browser version of Facebook, meaning the folks working at home get to goth it up with the rest of the kids.

It’s in the mail

Speaking to website TechCrunch, Facebook said the feature — announced at last year’s F8 conference — would launch out into the wild. The spokesperson said “…starting today, the majority of people on Facebook will have access to the new desktop design.”

You can see if you’ve got access to it (we don’t, yet) by heading to the Settings menu in the right hand dropdown. There, you’ll see the option in the left hand column — it’ll say ‘See New Facebook’. Select that, and you’re sorted. If you try it and it sucks, head back there and choose ‘Return to Classic Facebook’.

You might also see a banner at the top of your Facebook page telling you there’s something new. That’s the easy way to know if Facebook’s redesign has landed in your area.

All or nothing

Sadly, you can’t just have Dark Mode. You’ll have to opt-in to the whole Facebook redesign to get access to the new feature on desktop. Even if you’re resistant (and some of you are gonna be), eventually the change will roll out to everyone anyway so you might as well submit to the will of the Almighty Zuckerberg (Long May His Style Be Unblockable) now. Or you could just delete Facebook. That’s also an option.

Source: TechCrunch

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