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Even if you hate them, the promo video for the Apple Watch Series 5 will make you want one

Apple’s Watch Series 5, revealed at last night’s (“yesterday morning’s”, if you’re Stateside) annual event, wants to wow you with its capabilities. As part of the presentation, a video breaking down what the new wristwear is capable of was shown. We’re about to show it to you now, because maybe you didn’t sit through the whole almost-90 minute presentation yourself. That’s fair. Sometimes you have to go to bed early.

Hard sell

Apple’s main job (besides making products) is to make their products seem really, really attractive. The promo video above (which we swear is being narrated by Jesse Eisenberg — and it’s a very Apple thing to not mention that fact) does a super job of making the Series 5 feel somehow essential. Like all of those basic (and occasionally unusual) functions would be unthinkable without a shiny piece of tech on your wrist.

And the thing is: Apple’s not wrong. Everything the company outlines in the video really would be simpler and easier if you were wearing an Apple Watch Series 5. You won’t necessarily keep an eye on decibel levels without it. You won’t give yourself a weekly ECG without it. You might perform some sort of contactless payment without it but since you’re checking volume levels and your heart anyway… That’s really the point Apple’s trying to make here: They’ve collected a versatile set of functions in one device, giving you options with your wearable.

Provided those options can survive the 18-hour uptime. The compass is only handy in the wilderness if you make it back to civilisation before your battery bombs out, for instance. Apple’s heart is in the right place here, though, even if that means it’s trying to get its hand into your wallet at the same time. Check out the video — you’ll see what we mean.

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