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Here’s how to keep your laptop (properly) clean

Let’s face it – your laptop is probably grimy. But it’s also an essential tool in your daily life, aiding you in work, entertainment and communication. Which is why we won’t judge, considering you’re making the effort to keep it clean now and then.

We get it, it’s easy to overlook its cleanliness when you’re busy. But it can lead to a myriad of issues over time. From dust accumulation hindering performance to grime buildup affecting aesthetics, neglecting your laptop’s hygiene can result in costly repairs and diminished functionality.

All you have to do is maintain your laptop’s cleanliness and it’ll properly prolong its lifespan. We’re here to help.

The deep clean

Deleting files (Laptop cleaner)

As with most things, it’s good to prepare adequately. Start by saving and backing up any important files, ensuring you don’t lose any critical data during the process.

Shut down your computer completely and disconnect all cables and peripherals. This not only prevents accidental damage but also provides a clear workspace for the cleaning process.

Addressing the outside

Begin by focusing on the external surfaces of your laptop, particularly the keyboard and chassis. Lay down paper towels to catch any debris, then gently invert your laptop and give it a shake to dislodge loose particles. If your laptop permits, consider removing the keys for a more thorough cleaning.

Armed with a soft microfibre cloth and a gentle cleaning solution, meticulously wipe down the keyboard and chassis. Take care to avoid spraying directly onto the laptop to prevent moisture damage. Instead, apply the cleaning solution to the cloth and focus on cleaning around vents and openings where dirt tends to accumulate.

And then the inside

While external cleaning is essential, don’t overlook the internal components of your laptop. Dust and debris can accumulate inside vents and ports, hindering airflow and causing overheating issues. If you suspect significant internal dirt buildup, proceed with caution.

Consult your laptop’s documentation to determine if it’s safe to open up the back and clean the internal components. Grab some cotton buds and compressed air to carefully clean out vents and ports, ensuring no moisture or debris remains trapped inside. However, be mindful that opening your laptop may void its warranty, so proceed at your own risk.

Read More: Best budget laptops to buy going into 2024

Proper screen cleaning

The screen is the window to your digital world, and keeping it clean is essential. Here, be sure to use a soft microfiber cloth and a screen-specific cleaning solution to remove dirt and smudges gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the display.

Apply the cleaning solution to the cloth and use slow, circular motions to clean the screen thoroughly. Take your time to ensure streak-free results, and use a separate dry cloth to carefully dab the screen dry if needed. With a clean and clear screen, you’ll enjoy enhanced visual clarity and reduced eye strain during prolonged use.

All about consistency

Maintaining your laptop’s cleanliness is an ongoing process, requiring regular attention and care. Establish a cleaning schedule and aim to clean your computer every few months or more frequently if it accumulates dirt quickly. By incorporating these cleaning practices into your routine, you’ll not only prolong your laptop’s lifespan but also optimise its performance and appearance.

Your laptop is a valuable investment, and it deserves proper care and maintenance. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your cleaning supplies, and give it the pampering it deserves.

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