Stuff South Africa

Here’s how SA is using UPS, inverter, and solar solutions during load shedding

How SA is keeping the lights on during load shedding.

Now that we’ve accepted that load shedding will be with us for the foreseeable future, South Africans have found ways to keep the fire going, their tech working and their meals warm as blackouts continue.

Forget the loud heavy generator, South Africans are quickly turning to uninterruptible power sources (UPS), inverters, and wind and solar solutions to make sure their plans continue when Eskom suddenly switches the power off.

 South Africans on social media platforms are sharing ideas and gathering resources to make sure Eskom’s problems become less of their problem as they enjoy some downtime this festive season.

A tweet by Don Petty Cash (@iamkoshiek) asked people to share their UPS, inverter and solar solutions earlier this month, including “any advice”  and the response was useful.

 Tweet on UPS and solar solutions for load shedding.

South Africans posted the products they’re using, including some valuable advice that you might need to consider when getting an alternative power solution.

The posts on products and the advice below are from people on Twitter. We can’t guarantee that their advice will help you. However, we have tested some products in Stuff‘s load-shedding issue. Get a copy for more tech available to help you during load-shedding.

Here’s how South Africans are keeping the lights on this festive season and beyond.

Read More: Stuff to get you through the darkness

Read More: Eskom gives in and grants the City of Joburg a break from load shedding

The tweet continues to gain more responses on Twitter.

We’ve tested some of these and more. Build your own load-shedding survival kit with the help of this issue of Stuff.

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