Stuff South Africa

You’ll have to go Back to the Future for this 3-in-1 Lego BttF Delorean

Back to the Future is one of the most seriously disturbing family movies ever made. Seriously. Watch it again. But the tale of Doc Brown and Marty McFly’s voyage back (and forward, and further back in time) is also an iconic cinematic adventure. It deserves the fans that love it. Even if they are a little weird.

The most iconic bit of the film, besides Marty’s outfit or Doc’s hair, has to be the Delorean. The movie’s influence is so extensive that the brand is coming back as an EV. And now Lego is also getting into the act, with a new Creator Expert 3-in-1 set called the Back to the Future Time Machine.

Building Back to the Future

Back to the Future Time MachineThe upcoming Lego set is set to launch on 1 April this year. When it lands, flaming tyre tracks and all, it’ll offer fans a choice. They can either create the Delorean time machine from the first time (pictured above), or they can assemble one of the other two.

The overall design remains the same, but the time machine from BttF 2 features the folding wheels (for flying purposes) and Mr Fusion unit on the back. And if you opt for the BttF 3 version, then Doc Brown’s hacked-together computing unit on the bonnet is present and accounted for.

The Back to the Future Time Machine consists of a stellar 1,872 pieces. It’s just a pity they couldn’t manage 1,885 (or 1,985) pieces, but you can’t have everything. A new Lego piece was created to make the Delorean’s windshield look authentic, and the set comes with a minifig of Doc and Marty so you can display your creation with all the important bits attached.

The launch price overseas is $170 — that’ll be about R2,550 here. Lego locally tends to stick to similar pricing, so don’t expect much variance when it launches here.

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