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Now Reddit is testing the ability to use NFTs as profile pictures too

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How do you make a Reddit evangelist even more obnoxious than usual? Easy, just give them the ability to post an NFT as a profile picture. There’s nothing like using a JPG you definitely paid too much for to yell out, “Look at me, I’m special!”, after all.

Too harsh? Okay, maybe that’s too harsh. Reddit is testing the ability to post NFTs as profile pics, a feature Twitter has already rolled out to Blue subscribers. And this is perhaps what non-fungible tokens will look like in a few years when the hype dies down — commonplace, but a little weird.

NFTs? Reddit.

Reddit hasn’t tested its newfound NFT powers very far, however. TechCrunch reports that the test is taking place, but very few of the specifics are set in stone yet. The aggregation service confirmed plans to support NFTs in a statement from spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt.

“We’re always exploring ways to provide value for users and communities on Reddit. At the moment we’re testing the ability to use NFTs as profile pictures (avatars) and verify ownership. It’s a small, internal test and no decisions have been made about expanding or rolling out the capability.”

It sounds like the feature is coming. Slowly, but it’s coming. Of course, you don’t have to wait for the service to complete its tests in order to play Reddit NFTs: The Home Game™. There’s already a dedicated page for snagging digital representations of Snoo, the Reddit mascot, in various guises and for various amounts of Ethereum. Expect to pay in the region of R40,000 or so for a so-called Legendary Snoo, only you’ve gotta pay in crypto for it.

Source: TechCrunch

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