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Huawei launching something called the P50 Pocket, which looks like a Galaxy Flip 3 competitor

Huawei P50 Pocket invite

Huawei doesn’t know when to quit — which is probably a good thing. The Chinese tech-maker has a new smartphone on the way. And yes, it probably folds in half.

The company has chosen a funny time for the official unveiling of its newest devices — 23 December this year. Which, yes, is traditionally devoid of competition from other companies. But there tends to be a reason for that, at least in the Western world.

Huawei knows when to Fold ’em

Still, Huawei’s issued an invitation via its Weibo page for the 23 December event. It’s the company’s “winter flagship new product launch conference”, and the headliner is the Galaxy… P50 Pocket.

Based purely on the invitation (which gives the name away), this looks like a more compact folding phone. There are two, or possibly three colours incoming — a white or silver, and then a gold hue. And then there’s the length of the hinge area, which is decidedly Samsung Z Flip 3-like.

Plus, you know, there’s the whole leak at the end of last month claiming Huawei was planning to crib Samsung’s design a little. At the time, we only really knew that the Chinese company was developing a new, shorter and less complicated hinge mechanism. For something that was probably a folding phone.

Technically, that’s still all we know. Huawei hasn’t let any more cats out of the bag to date, so we’re left with a new hinge design and a few vague hints to work with. Also expected at the 23 December event are other Huawei devices. We might get hints of its 2022 plans at the event, plus the company’s expected to unveil a new smartwatch — the Huawei Watch D. Should be interesting. Pity we’re all going to be on holiday, yeah?

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