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Meet Insta360’s smallest consumer camera ever


Our ‘90s spy movie fantasies are almost in reach if we believe Insta360’s latest video teaser, showing off its tiniest camera yet. Actually, we didn’t get a proper look at the small piece of tech, but the video teases a “tiny, mighty surprise.”

It’s hard to tell exactly how small the physical camera is. Are we talking Men in Black-level invisible tech? Or is this more of an Inspector Gadget-esque foldable, portable piece of hardware? The teaser shows a mouse’s perspective panning through a variety of everyday items. Is it on a tiny gurney? We’ll never know. 

Honey, I shrunk the Insta360 

Then there’s the tagline “tiny, but mighty.” The tininess of the camera will be easy to judge, but the mightiness is something we’ll need to see for ourselves. In the past, smaller hardware generally translated into less powerful tech. And the higher possibility of the tech ageing far quicker. This is especially true when it comes to cameras. 

A leaked image shows a human hand holding a small disk-shaped device. It’s unclear exactly what the little cam looks like or how it will function. We can only guess that the camera will be controlled by an app or some form of the external device. That is, if it’s too small for physical buttons of course. 

We’ll see more of the tiny cam on 9 March, the announcement date teased in the video. We may even see it in South Africa sometime in the future, so that’s exciting. 

Source: Digital Trends

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