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Black Panther comics are all free on Comixology

Black Panther, one of our favourite heroes around the office, was skyrocketed to mainstream fame and success in 2018 with his first feature film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure, he actually earned his first live-action role in Captain America: Civil War but two years after that mish-mash of superhero fighting Black Panther brought the comic book hero to the eyes of audiences who were already so intrigued by what they’d seen fighting alongside Tony Stark.

Black Panther’s success was, in no small part, due to Chadwick Boseman who captured the stoic, regal tone of the character while also bringing a recognisable honesty and heart to the role. With the untimely and unfortunate loss of an actor who meant so much to so many people, reading up on the character he was best known feels like a suitable way to remember the actor.

While Boseman might not have been involved with the development and production of the Black Panther comic books upon which his film is based, reading through the adventures and heroics of what was ostensibly his character just feels right. Comixology, without any announcements or teasers, has quietly gone and made every issue of Black Panther in its library free for all users.

Which is great news for those die-hard folks that want to own some great comic runs but even better for folks who maybe want to learn more about the iconic hero portrayed by Boseman. It’s not certain whether Comixology making all of these issues free is to serve as some kind of memorial or tribute but given the timing, it’s almost certainly the case.

If you want to find out what’s available, log in to Comixology and search for Black Panther. Click on “single issues” and you should find what you’re looking for. Personally, I recommend Black Panther (2016-2018) and the 2004 to 2008 run of the same name. Both excellent series of stories that should be read by anyone with an interest in the character.

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