Stuff South Africa

Vuma to provide free fibre internet to local schools

We’re not exactly in a position to discuss the difficulties of living during lockdown because, all things considered, we’ve had it pretty easy. Working from home while writing for a website/magazine is surprisingly simple to settle into but for plenty of folks, it’s been a real challenge. It’s hard to imagine being a school student during lockdown not least of all because literally all your work is suddenly homework. The horror.

Never before has an internet connection been so important to completing school work and it’s a luxury many younglings don’t really have access to. That’s why local ISP Vuma is doing something to help out all those schools, while pulling off some decent PR.

Announced today, Vuma has said that it is supplying schools on its existing development route with a free 1Gbps fibre connection. This is to enable educators to better conduct lessons with students remotely while not having to worry about connectivity…on their side at least.

“We are very grateful for the Vuma fibre connection to our school and have found it very useful during the lockdown as a medium of communication in order to facilitate online schooling,” says Christian Andrews, Principal at Andrews Academy in Johannesburg. “When connectivity is poor, every aspect of running the school is affected. VOIP phones, CCTV and online operations are compromised.”

“Fast fibre internet is the key to ensuring uninterrupted, efficient e-learning experiences, and although fibre is still in relative early stages of adoption in South Africa, the country is incredibly fortunate for the strides that were made in fibre technology over the last decade,” says Dietlof Mare  CEO, Vuma, leading fibre infrastructure provider in SA.

If you’re reading this and happen to be a school, that’s really scary because schools are buildings which can’t traditionally read. But you can also head on over to to see whether you qualify for the free 1Gbps upgrade.

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