Stuff South Africa

Watch this: Unboxing the world’s “cheapest” electric vehicle (ordered from Alibaba)

You might think you’re into tech but you’re not a true tech-head until you’ve bought and unboxed your very own electric vehicle from the internet. Because that’s totally a thing you can do now. And it’ll be shipped to your house, in cardboard — like a package from Amazon or Takealot.

Yeah, right

Don’t believe us? That’s okay, a video never lies, except when it does. The good folks over at Jalopnik actually went and ordered a tiny little electric car from China, had it shipped to the States and then unboxed the thing like it was an oversized smartphone. Yes, really.

And it’s… it’s cute. It comes across a little like something Mr Bean might drive (if you got it in green) but it’s also surprisingly well-built. You’d think an electric car you can order and ship from Alibaba would be made from plastic and sadness but Jalopnik editor Jason Torchinsky was impressed with the build overall. They were expecting cut corners and something akin to a mobility scooter with a body dropped on top but instead got an actual car. A small car, but a car nonetheless.

If you want your very own “Four-wheel electric environmental protection car small electric car“, you can totally order one right now at the link above. It’ll set you back around $1,200, or just over R20,000, before shipping and customs. What the folks at JIMC will think when your massive cardboard box destroys one of the mountains of stuff they have yet to get to… that’s another story.

Source: Jalopnik

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