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Sony may have a PlayStation 5 announcement for us next week

When it comes to gaming, there are three camps — there are Sony and Microsoft fans, and then PC gamers who think they’re better than everyone else. There are Nintendo fans and mobile gamers as well but mostly it is PlayStation versus Xbox. Every time there’s a new generation, the battle begins anew.

So it is with the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5. In historical terms, we’ve seen the opposing factions alternating taking the lead, with Sony’s PlayStation 4 being the current ‘best’ console. Microsoft has placed most of its cards on the table so far and it’s about time Sony put its money where its mouth is. That might happen as soon as next week.

So much for E3

According to a Bloomberg report, Sony has a digital conference planned for as soon as next week — on 3 June specifically — where it may finally give us all the details we’ve been in search of concerning the PlayStation 5.

Several other outlets have confirmed this event through other means, making it likely even if Sony hasn’t made an official announcement as yet. But the timing is right — in a normal year this would be right around E3 time, though that game conference has been cancelled due to the virus. What’s most interesting is how Sony’ll go about the reveal.

Typically Sony’s keen on a lot of ceremony, followed by a large technical showcase. That’s still possible here, but being unable to pack a room full of appreciative media will likely grate on the company a little. Still, we’ve got a few educated guesses as to what’s in store. Expect to see a fair amount about what the console can do, a reveal by Naughty Dog of whatever launch title they’ll have for the PlayStation 5, and a whole lot of talking up what great gaming hardware Sony is fielding this time around.

What probably won’t turn up are pricing and availability — certainly not for South Africa, but likely for the whole planet. That information will probably stay under wraps until closer to launch. But Sony’s rumoured 3 June reveal could be the first pointer towards who is going to come out on top this console generation. That’ll be worth tuning into on its own.

Source: Bloomberg


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