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Twitter will now allow you to choose who sees your disconcerting dribble

Ever wished that those rando’s will quit commenting on your tweets? Apparently, it’s a real problem, especially when you consider online bully culture — a hot topic across social media platforms. And one that platform builders need to take into account when developing new features. 

Which is why Twitter’s director of product management, Suzanne Xie took the stage at CES 2020 to show off upcoming conversation features. This will allow users to choose who gets to comment on their tweet — it’s called “conversation participants” and will be available in the compose tweet stage. 

There will be four conversation options available: “Global, Group, Panel, and Statement.” Global will allow anyone (even if they don’t follow you) to reply, Group will only allow people who you follow and mention, Panel will only allow people you tag in the tweet, while Statement won’t let anyone comment on your statement. Makes sense?

Twitter is planning to test the new feature in “the first quarter” of the year as part of an experiment. It will then use the information gained from this test, and roll out the feature globally later in 2020. This seems like a very practical feature that Twitter should have implemented a long time ago. It will help regulate the platform in a more personal way.  

Source: The Verge

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