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Here’s how to catch Samsung’s Unpacked Note 8 event as it happens

There are many, many ways to watch Samsung’s 23 August Unpacked event, taking place in New York this evening. If you were good at planning (and knew some of the right people) then you could have left for New York earlier this week, braving two days of flights and other methods of transit so that you could get a front-row seat of the proceedings.

It’s a little late for that so if you’re reading this then you’re probably looking for another sort of remedy. A faster, cheaper one. It just so happens that we have a few of those options for you. Here’s how you can watch Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8 announcement (plus any other surprises) as it kicks off at 17:00 this evening. Yes, that’s local time.

Watch it online

Samsung have been pretty good about streaming their events via YouTube and that’s just what’s going to be happening this time around. The 17:00 event (or 11AM EDT, if you’re Stateside) will be live-streamed on YouTube and all you have to do is hit the company’s YouTube channel or the official event website for a first (official) look at the Note 8 and friends. That does rather depend on you not being stuck in traffic, though. We don’t recommend YouTube and driving at the same time, no matter how much of a fanboy you are.

Watch it on your phone

You don’t need to be on a desktop or a notebook, nor do you have to be at home or work. Annoy the folks you’re out for drinks with by catching the stream on your phone. Samsung has made an Android and an iPhone app available that will stream the stream (and all of its related news)  directly to your eyeballs wherever you are. Again, we’d prefer it if you were not behind the wheel of a car.

We recommend getting the app a little earlier than the 5PM kickoff, so you can jump through the minor hoops needed to make sure you’re the first in the know about the Note.

Watch it here, or on Twitter (also here)

Remember that poor soul who had to travel all the way to the States over two days in order to sit in a crowded auditorium? Yeah, that would be Stuff‘s very own Craig Wilson, who will be on the ground (or, more likely, a chair) and tweeting out impressions and info as it is announced. You can catch all that as-it-happens-ness on Stuff‘s Twitter stream, so make sure you stop by and give us a follow for this evening. Even if you’re going to be stuck in traffic when the event kicks off in earnest, that stream of info will be waiting when you make it home.

Craig won’t be alone. We’ll be compiling the most important information to come out of Samsung’s August Unpacked event for easy consumption right here on the Stuff website. Tune in to the Twitter account for notifications of something a little more substantial than one-liners but less filling than an engineering specification. See you this evening.

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