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Twitter announces stickers for Twitter images, releasing soon

Have you looked at your Twitter timeline at any point in the last year, seen the images that you’ve been posting and thought: “What these curated pictures of meals and artful sunsets could really use a few stickers”? If you have then guess what? Twitter has (disturbingly) read your mind and they’re rolling out just that feature soon. Yes, really.

Twitter StickersFor everyone else, this is how it’s going to work. Twitter will be releasing stickers, some of which will be timed to coincide with whatever’s going on in the world. They will take the form of emoji, props and just general objects, probably with a few abstract concepts thrown in. These stickers can then be modified and stuck onto images that you’re posting, turning your timeline into a live-action LittleBigPlanet.

It’s supposed to be more than just cosmetic, though that’s also a function of Twitter’s stickers. Touching a specific sticker will open “…a new timeline, where you can see how people all over the world use that sticker in different ways.” That’s… good, right? Just what the company needs to really drive user engagement.

Careful guys. You’re only a few sparkly pages and some insta-streaming audio away from looking just like MySpace did before Facebook swallowed them whole. Who knows, though. Perhaps the stickers will be… fun? We’ll see soon, the new feature is rolling out over the next few weeks for Twitter’s Android and iOS apps.

Source: Twitter

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