Stuff South Africa

Somehow, Flappy Bird returned

Image: The Flappy Bird Foundation

Flappy Bird is back. Like, officially. No longer will you need to scour e-Bay for a $90,000 Flappy Bird-installed iPhone, for the game is heading back to Android and iOS in 2025 after a dedicated group of fans acquired the game’s rights from Gametech, LLC – the new owners of which form the “The Flappy Bird Foundation Group”.

“My death was… greatly exaggerated”

Flappy Bird My death was greatly exaggerated

If your Flappy Bird lore is a little rusty, we’ll fill you in. When Flappy Bird first launched in 2013, it was an instant classic, whose presence reverberated worldwide. And then, tragedy struck. The game’s original creator, Dong Nguyen, took the game offline – citing its addictive traits for the app’s disappearance.

It wasn’t long before Android and iOS had their stores filled to the brim with cheap knock-offs that could never quite match the cutesy look the original brought to the table. According to The Verge, Nguyen once considered resurrecting the little bird, noting that App Store rules may have put an end to those dreams, which state developers lose the rights to an app’s name once it’s removed from the store.

Now, when Flappy returns in 2025, it’ll bring with it a whole new line-up of characters, game modes and “massive multiplayer challenges” according to the new Flappy Bird website. How those will work, we’ll have to wait and see once the app returns to our smartphones – an official date for which has yet to be revealed.


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