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Google’s password manager now supports password sharing with family members

Google intorduces password sharing

The multicoloured search giant recently added the ability to share passwords stored in Google Password Manager, in the latest May Play services update.

This won’t come as a big surprise to many as the company shared its intention to do so earlier this year via its Family Link feature.

“Accounts that are part of a family group will soon have the option to share usernames and passwords for a particular website or service directly from Google Password Manager,” reads a company blog post.

“Whether two members of a family are coordinating with daycare through a single account, or a child is letting a parent access their school assignments, sharing passwords securely has never been easier.”

Your Google password is my password

Before our security-conscious readers start convulsing and foaming at the mouth, this password-sharing feature is only available to accounts within the same family group, which is currently limited to six members.

At this point, we’d show you what it looks like but it also requires that you make use of Google Password Manager in the first place, which we don’t. So, that probably rules out security-conscious readers anyway.

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However, a support page for the latest Play services update states “[w]ith this new feature, you can now securely share your passwords with your family group in Google Password Manager. When you share a password, your family members will receive a copy of it in their Google Password Manager, ready to be used.”

Sounds pretty straightforward, unless you’re the type to use the same password across all your accounts. In that case, it’s probably a better idea to keep it to yourself. Or better yet, switch to a password manager.


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