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September’s massive fuel increase could be larger than initially expected

Sad Keanu fuel + petrol price increase

After our first peek at the predictions for September’s fuel prices, we weren’t exactly thrilled to learn we could be facing an increase, by as much as R2.52 in some cases, for petrol, diesel, and paraffin. Well, we’ve just had our second peek at what the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy reckons fuel will cost next month and somehow things are now worse.

It’s still worth noting – because sometimes panic causes people to miss important bits of info – that while these updated figures are official, they’re still only predictions from the Central Energy Fund’s (CEF) data. There’s still time for them to change between now and 6 September, when the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy will set South Africa’s official fuel prices for September.

Unfortunately, the CEF hasn’t often veered far from its predictions in the past so we’ll likely need nothing short of a miracle to dodge the incoming increases across the board. A large, sudden drop in the Rand/Dollar exchange rate would help. But that isn’t looking likely, with the way things currently stand.

Anyone checked the price of horses lately?

With these expected increases, it might be time to seek alternative modes of transportation. If anyone knows a good horse breeder in the Gauteng area, share the details in the comments section below so that we can, uh… review them. Otherwise, these shoes stylishly separate each toe for increased dexterity and grip (we think) and should last at least a month of walking. Anything to avoid paying the new prices at the pump.

Anyway, here are the predicted fuel price increases:


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