Stuff South Africa

WhatsApp’s new update lets users send each other short video messages – here’s how it works

Say what you want about Meta but its WhatsApp department has been killing it of late. The most recent update, announced yesterday, adds the ability to send short video messages in a WhatsApp chat – described as an improvement of the voice note feature.

That might not sound super cool, and that’s because it isn’t. But it is an obvious quality-of-life update that’ll drastically reduce the hassle of sending videos to contacts. There is a limit, however, with video messages not being able to run longer than 60 seconds at a time. Each video message is protected by the same end-to-end encryption WhatsApp uses for its regular messages.

As simple as sending a voice note

WhatsApp Instant Video Messages

“Video messages are a real-time way to respond to chats with whatever you want to say and show in 60 seconds,” Meta said in its announcement blog. “We think these will be a fun way to share moments with all the emotion that comes from video, whether it’s wishing someone a happy birthday, laughing at a joke, or bringing good news.”

The feature has already gone live, though some devices and countries may have to wait a few weeks for the rollout to hit them. We’ve managed to get hold of the feature in South Africa and test it out. WhatsApp claims sending a video message is as simple as sending a voice note, and after trying it out, we agree.

Read More: WhatsApp makes changes to how users find and message unsaved contacts

Sending a video message:

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