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A petrol price increase for November seems likely

petrol prices

It had to happen eventually. It’s just unfortunate that it had to happen in the month before Christmas. But, we had a good run. Well, petrol drivers did. Diesel drivers… not so much. For the month of November though, both petrol and diesel drivers are suffering the same fate – rising fuel prices.

To be clear, these numbers are not final. They’re the Central Energy Fund’s (CEF) predictions captured on 12 October, based on factors such as the international fuel prices and the Rand/Dollar exchange that South Africa uses to make its purchases. The Department of Energy will make November’s prices official soon before the first Wednesday of the month, 2 November, once it has considered all factors.

A return to normality 

Despite our warnings every month about the CEF’s stats not reflecting petrol’s true price, it’s usually pretty close. Which is why we’re not so happy about November’s predictions.

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It’s disappointing all-round, though diesel drivers are sure to be a little more so. October’s official prices saw petrol drivers receive a decrease in prices while diesel went up just a few cents (R0,10-R0,15). November looks to be less forgiving. All we can do is hope that the dollar exchange rate drops over the next two weeks.

Source: Central Energy Fund

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