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Mid-month CEF indicators suggest South Africa’s September petrol price headed to saner levels

petrol prices

It’s the middle of August, which can only mean one thing. It’s time for the Central Energy Fund (CEF) to raise our spirits tenfold. Or mercilessly crush them. Thankfully, today it appears to be good news. According to data captured on 12 August, South Africa is facing a potentially huge decrease in petrol prices this September.

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Here’s a complete list of the predicted changes hitting us next month. Potential declines of R2.60 and R2.30 in petrol and diesel price respectively are the largest the country has seen in ages.

The expected drop should take some of the sting out of fuel top-ups. The CEF is rarely incorrect – or is at least pretty close to the true numbers shown at the petrol pumps. Still, don’t let your guard down. There’s always the chance of an unexpected disaster coming to muck it all up.

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The Department of Energy stresses that the CEF’s predictions are just that; predictions. The Department of Energy makes its decision based on current oil prices and the Rand/US Dollar exchange rate. The real petrol prices are determined at the end of the month, taking in all factors in play. Much can change in fifteen days. Here’s hoping it doesn’t (unless it’s planning on dropping even further).

Source: BusinessTech

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