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Google’s I/O Pinball is free and here to waste a few hours of your day

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If you’re old enough to remember Windows XP and have been looking to scratch that Space Cadet 3D Pinball itch, Google has something for you. The search giant wrapped up its annual I/O 2022 conference last week.

Apart from briefly mentioning half a dozen devices it plans to release in the next year or two, we also had a look at Google’s take on AR glasses. But something that slipped in under the radar was an online pinball game that the company released just before the conference started.

I/O Pinball doesn’t cost money, only time


The announcement came from Flutter’s Twitter account. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It lets devs create cross-platform apps, like I/O Pinball, from a single codebase. That might not mean much to you if you don’t have an app in the proverbial oven, but I/O Pinball is already compiled and ready to play.

You don’t need to install a whole operating system like in the early 2000s. I/O Pinball can be played right in your browser on your desktop or mobile device.

Just go here.

You’ll first need to pick a character for… reasons. Then it’s pretty much just regular pinball. You get three balls per round and a few control options to use. When you inevitably strike out you’ll have the option to share your score with your mates. Or don’t, if you’re all thumbs.

If you’re interested in how things work behind the scenes Google even published a breakdown on Medium that explains how it went about building the app. Thanks, Google.

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