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Skyrim’s latest re-release brings The Elder Scrolls direct to your table

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is famous for many things — the ‘arrow in the knee’ meme, giving players the ability to punch dragons to death (with the right build), Dragonshouts, and being re-released every time a new video game platform comes along. Well, guess what, Todd Howard fans?

If you guessed that there’s a whole new version of Skyrim coming, then your parent’s investment in your education wasn’t wasted. The notable thing about this new edition? It’s not the sort of game that’s been released multiple times over the last decade.

Standing on the Skyrim of the world

No, this time around the adventures of the Dragonborn are coming to the greatest platform of all — real life. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim — The Adventure Game is a board game version of the iconic RPG that’s heading to market after a very successful crowdfunding campaign.

How successful? Well, Modiphius Entertainment was looking for £100,000 to get the game off the ground — the company achieved this target in less than 30 minutes and is now sitting on £465,000 with a solid month of backing time to go. Perhaps there’s a reason Bethesda keeps on re-releasing this game.

This time around, players play as one of Tamriel’s Blades (which, if you remember the game’s main campaign, makes a bunch of sense). Players can expect two branching campaigns, which each take place over three chapters. Each chapter, if you don’t get side-tracked (so it’s just like the OG Skyrim, it seems) will take between 90 and 120 minutes and will see players “…[t]ake up arms against dragons, Daedra, trolls, and many more wretched creatures to help the common folk sleep a little easier at night as you battle for glory.”

Players can opt to be either Nord, Dunmer, Imperial, Altmer, Khajiit, or Orsimer, have weapons, armour and magic at their disposal, and can even upgrade and enchant gear. It’s doubtful that there’s an iron dagger XP glitch to be exploited this time, though.

If you want one of your very own, you can get it by giving Modiphuis money right now. The game normally would cost about R2,100 (£100) but backers can get the base version of the board game for R1,450 (£68). There’s also a deluxe edition that includes a bunch of extras including miniatures, mats, and all the stretch goals for the game.

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