Stuff South Africa

PremiumFree TV, a new free-to-view satellite service, is launching in South Africa

While the SABC is still banging in everyone’s doors asking for some extra cash to throw into the piggybank (when they’re not trying to redefine what exactly a TV is), it seems that some sneaky competition is about to slink into the country. PremiumFree TV will soon launch in South Africa and brings with it a range of new TV channels to folks that own a satellite dish. Come 1 May, South Africans will be able to tune into PremiumFree TV if they own a basic, “universal” free-to-air decoder.

PremiumFree TV first launched in West Africa in 2018 and has since grown to span most of the continent. The South African launch will make it the most widely distributed multi-channel service in Sub-Saharan Africa according to Bandwidth Blog.


PremiumFree TV is here, everyone get excited!

Speaking on the South African launch, Craig Kelly, CEO of AfricaXP, who owns PremiumFree TV said: “Broadcasting unencrypted not only means that the service can be offered free of charge, it also means that the channels can be instantly received on dishes and decoders already owned, installed and connected.” Which is, pretty big if you’re of the thousands of South Africans who’re sick of the SABC’s content, would rather not pay the exorbitant rates of DStv or don’t have an internet connection that can support streaming.

The content on PremiumFree TV appears to be a mix of popular international programming for both children and adults, including documentaries, dramas, cartoon, comedies and even feature-length movies. There will also be content that’s been “custom-made for African viewers,” said Kelly, so there’s a real widespread of entertainment for viewers to consume.

PremiumFree TV is slated to launch in South Africa on 1 March 2021. So if you’re a little strapped for cash, maybe hold off on that DStv upgrade your kids have been begging you for…

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