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New Mortal Kombat movie releases on 16 April, 2021

Mortal Kombat

We at Stuff are major fans of Mortal Kombat. When you take a bunch of nerds that like old-school fighting games, violence and mystical ninjas and shove them into an office, you end up with the Stuff editorial team. Thus, the news that the new Mortal Kombat movie is launching on 16 April, 2021 has got us more than a little hot under the collar.

Hell, even if it’s anywhere near as good as that original 1995 adaption, we’d still be excited to head on over to the cinema and watch it (if it’s safe to do so by then). Directed by James Wan (the man behind Saw, Insidious, The Conjuring and Aquaman to name but a handful of his filmography), we’re looking forward to what will hopefully be a load of cheesy dialogue and unfettered violence.

Mortal Kombat on two screens

While it probably won’t affect us in South Africa all that much, Mortal Kombat will be releasing in both cinemas and on HBO Max, the streaming service that Warner Bros. has partnered with. The announcement that Warner Bros. would be conducting a similar release schedule for all their upcoming movies has annoyed quite a few directors who’ve insisted that doing so will kill the cinema industry (Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve have not minced their words).

Considering we don’t have ready access to HBO Max, we’ll mostly likely only get an official cinema release in South Africa. So here’s hoping all this pandemic nonsense has come to an end by then. Seriously people, stop going to the beach. You’re smarter than that, we know you are.

Who knows, maybe the movie gets cheeky and throws in John Rambo as a guest character? In the mean time, watch the trailer for the classic 1995 adaption. It’s terrible but so good at the same time.

(Source: Engadget)


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