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Google Chrome tabs should now load 10% faster, which is probably still slow

Listen, tab junkie. You and I have done this dance before, so you know exactly what I’m about to tell you. You can sit there and complain about how slow your Google Chrome is and whine that it’s using up way too many of your computer’s resources.

To be fair, that is a pretty massive problem with Chrome, we all know that. Yet you could make the problem much less severe if you just closed your damn tabs. The fact that you have 28 different tabs open is probably the cause for your Chrome running so slowly and quite frankly, Microsoft shouldn’t need to bail you out like this. You’re just lucky they’re not scolding you for your bad habits and have instead updated Chrome to load everything a little faster.

According to a Chromium post, Google is speeding up the load times on active tabs by, “by taking back resources from those that’ve been idle for a while.” This recycling of resources should hopefully go a long way to improving the general speed of Chrome while also making the browser less demanding on systems. Engineering director Max Christoff expanded on this by saying that the re-purposing of idle tabs should also result in “battery and memory savings”.

Chrome is also in the process of testing and adding “tab previews” which will show you a small thumbnail of whatever website the tab is dedicated to. While it seems small, I can attest from personal experience that when you have 30+ tabs open, it can become very annoying to painfully dredge through each one just to find the page you were looking for. So just a quick preview of the tab’s contents will be a small but greatly appreciated feature.

The update to boost tab speed should be live right now, meaning that if you want your workday to maybe go a little faster you should get on that download.

(Source: The Verge)

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