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Halo 3 is dropping on PC this month

Ah, the days of my youth. While all those jocks were out there kicking their rugby balls and footballs and…cricket balls I guess, my time was spent in better environments. Specifically, the environments of Sandbox, Sandtrap, Blackout and Valhalla, otherwise known as the four best maps in Halo 3.

My friends and I spent hours playing together, with me often winning due to the fact that I was the only one of us with an Xbox 360 who actually put some time into the game. That doesn’t count too much, right? While it’s been years since I jumped into Halo 3‘s multiplayer, the thought of dipping back in has made more than a little excited as the game is launching on PC on 14 July!

While Halo Reach, Halo 2 and the original Halo: Combat Evolved have already made their way to PC through the remastered Halo: The Masterchief CollectionHalo 3 will be the latest entry in the franchise to make the jump over to PC after it was originally released for the Xbox 360 some 13 years ago. Not only did the game have a stellar single-player campaign but it also featured one of the most dynamic and robust multiplayer systems seen that generation with the much-lauded Forge Mode making a welcome debut on the PC.

Halo 3 is seen as the peak of the franchise by many players so being able to play the game again with some remastered visuals and enhanced controls making the experience even more enjoyable should be a real treat. By “enhanced controls” I want it on record that I mean “mouse and keyboard”. Halo 4 will be the last addition to The Master Chief Collection on PC but when that launches is anyone’s guess.

343 Industries, the folks behind all these remasters, are also apparently on the verge of debuting some more footage of Halo: Infinite, the next-gen shooter that was announced in 2018 with very few new details emerging since then.

(Source: The Verge)

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