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Pokémon Go Fest is being held online this year but you still need a ticket

It’s actually kinda remarkable how many people are still playing Pokémon Go in 2020, even though we’re more restricted than ever in terms of running, walking or any other kind of outside movement. While plenty of folks dropped off after the Blissful Summer of 2016 when the game first launched, the dedicated audience Pokémon Go has retained usually gathers once a year to celebrate their favourite app yet given the circumstances, that’s a little harder than usual lately. Yet the show will go on!

Niantic announced last night that Pokémon Go Fest will be held as an online event that can be attended by anyone from around the world. It used to be that Pokémon Go Fest was held only in a select few countries around the world, including Chicago, Tokyo and Dortmund, Germany. While it used to be for previous events that attendees were only eligible to experience a single day of the two day event, this year’s PGF will allow all participants to sit through both days, which is neat at least for the sake of value for money.

Oh, we did mention that the event will now be taking place online so anyone around the world is able to attend, as long as you buy a ticket. Niantic has thus doubled the amount of tickets on sale so as to accommodate the larger audience size. The actual content of the festival is still unknown but the official blog post announcement does specify, “new experiences, gameplay, and surprises.” Keeping it nice and vague for the time being, apparently.

It’s a nice step to help accommodate all those either in quarantine or self-isolating as well as people who might be unable to attend the event in person anyway. Look, all we want is that shiny Rayquaza we’ve spent four years hunting. Is a ticket worth that? You bet your bum it is. Having said that, there’s no word yet on what price the tickets will go for, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

(Source: The Verge)

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