Stuff South Africa

Andy Serkis spent the weekend reading The Hobbit for charity

We’ses loves the Serkis. He’s is a goods actor and a gooder human. Looks at alls his money he’s is just giving aways! We all know how enjoyable and totally not frustrating it is to read an article written in the style of Gollum. This is something Andy Serkis didn’t consider when conducting his reading of The Hobbit this weekend. Although knowing the sort of roles Serkis is famous for, not adopting a bizarre style of speech would have been very unprofessional for the actor.

In an attempt to raise funds for several UK-based charities, namely Best Beginnings and the NHS Charities Together fund, Andy Serkis spent twelve hours reading The Hobbit, providing different voices and speech styles for the various speaking characters. It was quite a riveting stream, lasting for twelve hours across both YouTube and Facebook. Thousands watched every minute of Serkis’ stream which managed to raise £292,590, or roughly R6,620,126. Wow, the exchange rate really is down the toilet, huh?

“So many of us are struggling in isolation during the lockdown. While times are tough, I want to take you on one of the greatest fantasy adventures ever written, a 12 hour armchair marathon across Middle Earth whilst raising money for two amazing charities which are doing extraordinary work right now to help those most in need in the UK,” reads the GoFundMe page for the event.

While it was a great way to spend a Saturday with millions of people around the world, if you missed the livestream we have some bad news for you. The YouTube video of the stream has been set to private for some reason and the Facebook event can no longer be accessed, which is super unfortunate. Still, it’s difficult to really be too mad considering how much money Serkis raised for some worthwhile causes.

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