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Microsoft Edge beats out Firefox as the second most popular web browser

So, Microsoft Edge is the second most favoured browser in the world. What makes this news even more impressive is that the new version of Edge is only three months old, but it still has a long way to go if it wants to eclipse Google Chrome. Clearly it’s never too late to make a change, right?

It seems weird to be writing that a browser by Microsoft is actually picking up steam but here we are. While some very outdated memes on the internet (and probably social media, most commonly) might still mock Internet Explorer for the garbage that it was, Microsoft’s latest browser Edge is actually pretty great. If you had to ask us, we’d put it just below the Grand Daddy Browser, Google Chrome and it seems we aren’t the only ones who think that.

First spotted by Bleeping ComputerEdge has now beaten Firefox out as the second most popular desktop web browser based on usage. NetMarketShare estimates that 7.6% of the market is taken up by Edge while only 7.2% belongs to Firefox which has historically been placed higher than Microsoft’s browser. Look, Google Chrome still holds 68.5% of the market but that’s pretty understandable. Got to walk before you can run so the fact that Microsoft is now beating a rival that has long towered over them is still impressive.

This might have something to do with the fact that Edge is just the default browser installed on most PCs, and that’s certainly a factor. Yet the funny thing is that Edge has actually grown to be a truly competent little piece of software after years of support and a complete overhaul just three months ago. Maybe one day it’ll even top Chrome? It’s good to have dreams.

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