Stuff South Africa

Vodacom strikes a deal with Microsoft South Africa to make purchases much easier

If you’re a Vodacom subscriber it’s just become a whole lot simpler to purchase new games, battle passes, Office 365 and a variety of other Microsoft software. Let’s be real though, you’ll probably just let your kids purchase things on Fortnite without having to give them your credit card every few hours.

This new deal between Vodacom and Microsoft will allow users to purchase Microsoft products using their Vodacom accounts. It’s a simple process too; by just adding a Vodacom account as a payment option, users will be able to make purchases off the Microsoft store. This includes the Xbox Store in case you need to renew that Xbox Game Pass subscription.


You’ll even be sent a One Time Password, to makes sure purchase is a little more safe. If you want some more information on how to set this whole thing up, go check out Vodacom’s official announcement over on their website.

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