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Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls land on PC from 24 June

Previously the domain of Sony-branded console games, Quantic Dream titles Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human are heading to the PC. They’ll be landing on Epic Games’ own store a little later this year, and Quantic has detailed when those games will be dropping.

Serial killer drama Heavy Rain is going to be up first, with a PC demo being released on 24 May before the game itself launches on 24 June. Logically, next is Beyond: Two Souls, which will have a 27 June demo launch ahead of its 22 July release. Last is the android-flavoured Detroit: Become Human, which has far more vague dates. It’s got a demo landing in ‘Summer’, which is about mid-year here in the southern hemisphere. Launch will be in ‘Fall’, which is around September-ish here at home.

Rêver on

Quantic co-CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière said “Bringing our last three interactive dramas to the PC platform will enable new audiences to experience what Quantic Dream games are all about. Through these demos, gamers will have the opportunity to look into the hard work and dedication we have put into the PC versions of our beloved titles. For those who have never played a Quantic Dream title, this will be a great opportunity to experience the unique nature of our games.”

To which we say… he’s certainly not wrong.

France-based Quantic Dream actually has one major PC-released title to its name (two if you count The Nomad Soul) — Fahrenheit, also known as Indigo Prophecy (depending which region you were in at the time). The gameplay style of that one was a predecessor of what Quantic achieved with its PS3 and PS4 titles, so it’ll be nice to have the whole family available on the same platform at last.

Perhaps the best news? If you pre-order the games now, thanks to the Epic Games Stores’ current sale, you’ll pick each one up at a decent fraction of its standard price. Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls will set you back $10 (R145), while Detroit: Become Human should cost just $20. However, when we checked Detroit out, it’s currently listed at just $10 as well. So hurry up, go and get ’em. As a pre-order, of course. You already know when they’re releasing.

Source: WCCFTech

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