Stuff South Africa

How to watch Apple’s 2018 iPhone presentation, no matter where you are

We’d be lying if we said we spent all year waiting for Apple to unveil their newest iPhone but they do occupy a certain amount of brain-space from time to time. And with good reason. The company has been credited with originating the popular smartphone, those handy little pocket computers that we can’t live without, so it’s no surprise that we’ve been paying very close attention up to this point. They often have something interesting on offer, after all.

And tomorrow is the day when Apple puts all of the rumours to rest — and there’s no denying that in 2018 there have been a greater than average number of those. As usual we’re going to be bonded to Apple’s Cupertino presentation at a molecular level but you don’t have to be. But, if you’re the sort who likes to get your news from the equine intake manifold, you do have options when it comes to watching Apple’s 2018 iPhone presentation. Here they are:

Stream directly from Apple

If you’re in Cali, it might be worth stopping by the Apple presentation. They won’t let you in the gate without an invite but you can gaze longingly at the Steve Jobs Theater, maybe? Otherwise Apple’s always well-put-together live stream is the place to be. The iPhone-announcing outing will be starting at 10:00 PT, which works out to 19:00 on Wednesday, 12 September here in South Africa. Don’t be late — Apple hasn’t been in about ten years, there’s no reason for them to start now.

If you want to watch the stream, you’re going to need a few things:

Once you have one (or more, we don’t know your life and/or level of Apple obsession) of these things, you can point yourself at Apple’s September Keynote page and watch the magic (hopefully) unfold. In the case of the Apple TV, you will have to select the Apple Events app in order to start streaming. This early prep gives you time to make sure your devices and/or software are up to date before Apple starts doing their thing.

Keep an eye on Stuff (and let us do all the work)

If you want some more detail than just the marketing (something Apple does very well indeed), you can tune in to the Stuff Magazine website. We’ll be putting our skills to the test by keeping up with the ongoing presentation. If you want your Apple iPhone XS, XS Max, or XC (all allegedly) info shorn of unneeded extras and packed full of just the information you need, pop on by the website. Stuff will be paying very close attention from start to finish, and serving up the information that you need to know.

Get your iPhone news from social media

We really hope that you don’t get all of your news from social media. Twitter, oddly, isn’t as bad as other locations (*‍cough‍‍*Facebook*‍cough‍*) and on Wednesday night the service should be alight with everyone talking about what Apple’s busy announcing right that very second. If you prefer your tech news in manageable, bit-sized chunks, then Twitter would be a good place to go. Stuff will be very active there, as well, so make sure you stop by and visit us there too. If you’re getting your iPhone news from Facebook, maybe stop to consider the source first, yeah? We’re obviously trustworthy, but we’re not sure about everyone else.

See what’s happening on Thursday morning

Okay, so this is one path you could take: Have an early supper, turn off all the electronic devices and then get a nice long rest for Thursday morning. That way you’ll be nice and fresh for the lengthy rundowns, event analyses, and hands-on previews that will slam into your device screen with all the subtlety of an Apple-made speeding truck. It’s not the path we’d really advocate but it is true that all of Apple’s news will be here come Thurday, 13 September. But you’ll be one of the last to know.

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