Stuff South Africa

Want to be the first to see Apple’s new iPhone(s)? Here’s how to do that

Today is Apple Day around the Stuff offices, a day that deserves the capital letters. We’ve been watching Apple and its suppliers since… well, since last year September for hints as to what the newest iPhone (or iPhones, in this case) will entail.

So we’re going to be glued to Apple’s presentation this evening, which will start at 10AM Pacific Standard Time. That’s a nice and late 19:00 here in South Africa, so guess who’s going to be working late tonight? That’s right, Craig Wilson. And the rest of the Stuff team, we’re not totally heartless.

But what about you? What if you also want a front-row seat to the unveiling of the newest Apple hardware? Actually, we can help you arrange that.

Watch on a Mac, iPad or an iPhone

It’d be a poor state of affairs if you couldn’t watch Apple’s iPhone livestream on Apple’s own hardware and software. As it happens, that’s the area that the company is prioritising. As usual, you’ll be able to watch on a Mac or on an iPhone but there is one requirement — you’re going to have to use Safari to do it. Chrome and Firefox users will have to boot up Apple’s own browser in order to tune in. It’s okay, it won’t bite.

A caveat, though. If your operating system is old enough (from prior to iOS 7 or OS X 10.8.5, for instance), you’re going to be out of luck but anything newer will be able to catch the stream just fine.

Watch on a Windows PC

Wait, so Chrome doesn’t get any love but Microsoft’s Edge does? That doesn’t sound right, does it? Actually, yeah, it does. If you’re not rocking a Mac and Safari but you are rocking a Windows 10 machine and the Edge browser, you’re also going to be able to stream this evening’s Apple event.

If you’re only rocking an Android device then we have some bad news for you, buddy… Never fear though, we’ve got you covered. Head to the last entry to see how.

Watch on an Apple TV

Some of you must have an Apple TV connected to a WiFi source at home. You won’t have to fiddle around with specific browsers and operating systems and updates, in that case. You just need to download an app. The Apple Events app, as it happens, and then you’re in for a front-row seat of the whole proceedings in front of whichever sized screen you favour.

Watch on Stuff

This is obviously the best option — stay tuned to Stuff, both on the website and via our Twitter account, for up-to-date updates of what Tim Cook and his cohort of designers, engineers, and even salesfolk have in store for the upcoming (and very lucrative) holiday season. We’ll be sifting through Apple’s announcement as it happens and serving up only the tastiest morsels of information in easily digestible bits. And then going to bed very, very late. The things we do for you…

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