Stuff South Africa

These four people are starting 2017 with a little something from DStv

Hey, remember back in 2016 when we announced a competition to give away three DStv Explora units as well as one DStv HD Decoder? We do and that was after we might have been drinking heavily over the festive season. But not driving. That would just be silly.

Long story short, we almost forgot that today was the day when we had to announce our four lucky DStv giveaway winners. But we didn’t, so we have, so that’s okay then. Did you get all that? Oh good. On with the show.

We’ve fed all of the entries to our cloud-based entry-picker and it has come back with a handful of winners. But first… (unless you, you know, just skip right to the bottom) here are some Terms and Conditions.

You can find most of our competition info on the Terms and Conditions page but there are a couple of items we like to get out of the way here. This is how the whole thing goes down every time we do one of these: Winner’s names are drawn randomly by a computer. Once the name has been drawn (in this case, four names over two draws — because two sets of prizes, really), the entry is examined by a human to make sure it’s valid. That’s it. Unless you work for Stuff Magazine in one way or another, in which case you were disqualified before you even started. Seriously, we weed those out quite hard.

And now, in a very particular order, here are our winners.

The DStv HD Decoder goes to Lisa-Ann Stieger.

And the three DStv Explora units go to:

Nikhil Bhana
Nomanesi Mdyaro
Zaretha King

Congratulations to all of our winners. Keep an eye on your inboxes as we’re going to be confirming your delivery locations soon so that we can get DStv to send through your prizes. For everyone else: Don’t fret. It’s the start of a new year and that means that we’ve got more giveaways in store. Stay tuned.


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