Stuff South Africa

Light Start – Record Pi, Ox in a box, PS4 Pro tweaks, and one terrifying drone

Careful, still hot

The Raspberry Pi has sold over 10 million boards, launches new starter kit

pi-starter-kitSo about that teeny-tiny little Raspberry Pi computer…? Yeah, that’s gone and sold its ten millionth unit. Quite a milestone for a project was originally planned to be a small-scale programming initiative for schools in the UK. The Pi’s creators thought that they would have been lucky to sell 10,000 units in total, to give you some idea of just how big the project has become. And, to celebrate this milestone, Raspberry Pi has come up with a brand new Starter Kit. The Kit (pictured) has already gone on sale in the UK and includes a Pi 3 Model B, case, 8GB NOOBS SD card, power cables, mouse, keyboard, HDMI cable and a copy of Adventures in Raspberry Pi. Though the package is UK-only for now, it’s going to be spreading to the rest of the world in the next few weeks.

Source: via Ars Technica

This is the Ox, a vehicle that you unpack from a flat box

If you were going to move a vehicle somewhere, how would you do it? Drive, probably, or in extreme cases you could parachute drop a car into an inaccessible spot — provided you can dodge all the trees. Most people don’t think that packing a car into a box and shipping it would be an option. The people who came up with the Ox, which is being billed as the world’s first flat-pack truck, don’t count as ‘most people’. The Ox is a two-wheel drive truck from the UK which takes “…three people approximately 5.4 hours” to pack into a flat box. The engine and gearbox can also be shipped, though it fits in its own cube-shaped container, but most of the vehicle has been designed to fit into a single box. Once at its destination, in this case African countries that require humanitarian aid, three people can assemble the Ox in about 12 hours. Quite cool.

Source: The Verge

This is how you’ll know if there are PS4 Pro-specific features in your new games

The Sony PlayStation 4 Pro is now a thing and it’s going to mean that games will have additions that aren’t visible on your standard old PlayStation 4. But… not every developer has the time, funds, or resources to include extra content for your PS4 Pro. Those that do, however… you will know them by their mark. And by their mark, we mean the image above this little block of text. Said image will be appearing on the games that you buy, meaning that you’ll know if a game will be running in 4K or will feature overly-impressive smoke or particle effects before you lay down your hard-earned cash. Some already-released games will get these features as well and there’s some good news there — if resolution and frame-rate bumps are introduced, you won’t be required to pay extra. The games will just be upgraded, free-of-charge. Via patch download, that is.

Source: Sony PlayStation blog

This terrifying drone is coming for you (and your valuable items under 10kg)

Say hello to the future of drones. The scary future of drones. This is Japanese company ProDrone’s PD6B-AW-ARM, a large drone featuring a pair of arms capable of snatching small objects and wandering off with them. As long as said objects are lighter than 10kg. The arms are quite capable, in the video above, as is the pilot but they’re not restricted to holding on to things. They also act as a pair of legs, making the PD6B-AW-ARM seem like a large, rotor-toting bird of prey. We can totally see this thing chasing us down the road, claws gnashing, as we scamper to get to a place of safety inside a pipe or something where drones like this don’t fit… Sleep well.

Source: Gizmodo

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