Stuff South Africa

You know you want to know who the Netatmo Welcome winner is

It was way back in the beginning of March (that long ago? Yes, it was) that we announced our Netatmo Welcome giveaway. And today’s the day when we are going to be announcing the winner of this intelligent little smart home companion. Are you ready? We can’t hear you! OOOOHHHH… Who live in a pineapple…

Camera & iPhone 6 HD-PRINTActually, jokes aside, we’re just thrilled to be giving away the Netatmo Welcome which, we have to stress again, doesn’t come with the phone that you can see in the image above. What it does come with is all the smarts, like facial recognition, so you’ll feel like you live in the home of the future, today. So, who won one?

Before we get into that fun stuff, we have all of the usual legalities to get out of the way. You can find most of our competition info on the Terms and Conditions page but there are a couple of items we like to get out of the way here. This is how the whole thing goes down every month: Winner’s names are drawn randomly by a computer. Once the name has been drawn, the entry is examined by a human to see whether the question has been answered correctly and if it hasn’t been the draw is discarded and a new winner is drawn. That’s it. Unless you work for Stuff Magazine in one way or another, in which case you were disqualified before you even started.

And our winner is:

Masood Bhamjee

Congrats to Masood, who can expect an email asking to confirm your details soon. If your name wasn’t called, have no fear. There’s always next time. And next time starts pretty soon. We do have a new giveaway starting very shortly so keep your eyes peeled. Not literally though, that would be gross. It would be impressive, though.

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