Stuff South Africa

Our Wednesday Robot Overlord drone winner is…

It’s that time of the day again, when we announced the winner of the third of five Drone Force drones Stuff and Ster Kinekor are giving away. Don’t you just hate it when we draw out the announcement this way? Probably not, because you’re skipping over this text until later.

DF_02Before we get to the good stuff, as always, here is some detail on how the competition draw works. Winner’s names are drawn randomly by a computer that has been fed everyone’s names and has decided which one tastes the best. Once the name has been drawn, the entry is examined to see whether the question has been answered correctly and, if it hasn’t been, the draw is discarded and a new winner is drawn. That’s it. Unless you work for Stuff Magazine in one way or another, in which case you were disqualified before you even started.

That’s enough of that. Our Wednesday winner is… William Van Vuren

Congrats to William, who will be getting an email shortly so we can sort his prize out. There are going to be two more announcements this week, on Thursday and Friday, so you still have time to enter your details to be eligible for one of the two remaining little flyers.

If you missed yesterday’s winners announcement, you will find it here. See all you prospective winners tomorrow.


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