Stuff South Africa

Apple’s Q1 financial results are out (and they’re huge)

Okay Apple, can we have a loan? It’s not like you can’t afford it these days, especially after posting record financial results for the first quarter of 2015.

iPhone-6-and-6-PlusLet’s start with the bigger, smaller number first. Apple has recorded a stellar round of net profit for Q1 2015 of $18 billion, up some $5 billion from the same quarter last year. In order to achieve this total, Cupertino had to rack up $74.6 billion in revenue for the period.

By the numbers, Apple set a record for iPhone sales over the period by selling 74.5 million iPhone devices (we’re guessing they’re all lumped together here) over the reported period. 5.52 million Macs changed hands and also 21.4 million iPads, the latter of which is a drop compared to last year but we don’t think that they’re complaining.

Tim Cook certainly isn’t. Cook said in a statement “We’d like to thank our customers for an incredible quarter, which saw demand for Apple products soar to an all-time high. We’d like to thank our customers for an incredible quarter, which saw demand for Apple products soar to an all-time high.”

So, about that loan…?

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