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Apple to unveil iWatch alongside iPhone 6 on 9th September?

Apple may have plans to launch its iWatch wearable device alongside the iPhone 6 on 9th September, according to a report.

Re/code’s John Paczkowski claims that Apple is aiming to unveil its first wearable a little earlier than originally planned: an October launch date has been canned in favour of one much sooner.


He goes on to say that there’s still a chance that Apple’s plans will change (the company usually sends out invitations to its events about a week before they occur), but believes the iWatch – which, unlike the iPhone 6, hasn’t been leaked pre-release – is almost ready for public view.

He also says the iWatch will support Apple’s HealthKit health and fitness platform (which makes sense) as well as HomeKit, a new feature that will allow wearers to control “connected devices” – although he doesn’t seem sure exactly what devices those are. So the iWatch could double as a remote control for your TV, your DVD player and your light switches.

With that 9 September date looming, we’ll find out soon enough whether or not Re/code’s sources are on the money.

Source: Re/code

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