Stuff South Africa

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare pre-order special editions detailed

It’s that time of year again, where the run-up to the annual Call of Duty release starts to gather steam. Activision has started the ball rolling by giving details of three special editions of this year’s outing, Advanced Warfare.

Players will be roaming the multiplayer battlegrounds once again looking for headshots but developer Sledgehammer will be giving them a collection of futuristic weaponry to toy around with while in search of frags. The pre-order content will just give players some advantages, which is always a selling point.

The three editions are the Atlas Pro, Atlas Limited and Atlas Digital Editions and each has their own collection of extras for players. The Atlas Pro and Altas Limited Editions are available for pre-order overseas but they haven’t hit online stores in SA just yet. The Digital Pro version is going to become available at a later stage. Local pricing has yet to be finalised.

[one_third]Atlas Limited Edition[lists style=”check” color=”#1e73be”]

[/lists][/one_third][one_third]Atlas Pro Edition[lists style=”check” color=”#81d742″]

[/lists][/one_third][one_third_last]Atlas Digital Pro Edition[lists style=”check” color=”#dd9933″]



Activision will be having a global reveal of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare‘s multiplayer on 11 August, we’ll be keeping an eye out for that one in a couple of weeks.

CoD Atlas Pro

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