Stuff South Africa

Not all wearables are for fitness – Here’s one for social media

Hicon headerIf we were going to be totally honest we’d have to admit that the wearables trend, as scattershot as it is, is one that we’re enjoying. People are putting things into wristbands that we would never have even considered, though fitness seems to be the main focus of everyone from FitBit to Samsung to Google at this point. An IndieGoGo campaign is the subject of something a bit different however.

That would be Hicon, a new wearable that wants to save users time spend checking their phones by putting all of their social network interactions on their wrists. The wearable band, which has been water- and dust-proofed, features interchangeable icons that can be mapped to relevant social networks.

The way that the Hicon works is that a notification from any of the linked social networks will light up the relevant icon button, vibrating the wristband at the same time. Hey presto, you can now check your phone secure in the knowledge that there’s something new there.

It’ll also alter wearers when someone else that has similar interests listed in the included app (and a Hicon) is nearby, potentially breaking the ice. The pitch video (below) makes that scenario seem rather romantic. Users can also exchange contact information by bringing two wristbands into close proximity.

The campaign is looking to raise $60,000 over the next 30 days, with around $2,400 raised so far. If you’re looking to secure a Hicon, there are limited numbers for a contribution of $49 (R525), while it’ll normally cost $89 (R950).

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Source: IndieGoGo via Digital Trends

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