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The PlayStation 4 is outselling the Xbox One says Sony (and the NPD)

Sony is due to launch the PlayStation 4 in Japan soon and the company has used the pending release of their new console in another territory to draw attention to the sales numbers for the console in the US.

A Q&A session with Sony marketing vice president John Koller on the official PlayStation Blog has given some detail on the lead that Sony has taken in the next-gen console race. According to Koller, with his statement being backed up by the NPD, Sony’s PS4 was the best-selling console in the States for the month of January. Koller said that the PlayStation 4’s sales are “…nearly doubling the nearest next-gen competitor”, meaning Microsoft’s Xbox One is the console in the crosshairs.

Unfortunately no new sales numbers were given by Sony. Koller reiterated how many consoles were shipped by the company by the end of 2013 but we’ve yet to see solid figures for sales thus far in 2014 from either of the two gaming contenders.

Source: Sony via Digital Trends

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