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Just what Kickstarter needs – an open source Death Star

The American government make have hit the last request for a Death Star in the exhaust port but that hasn’t stopped folks from the UK from making their own attempt.

In order to fund the Death Star an enterprising group has turned to Kickstarter in the UK where they are looking for “£20,000,000 for more detailed plans and enough chicken wire to protect reactor exhaust ports.” They’ve included a stretch goal of £543,000,000,000,000,000 which would be enough to actually build the orbital artificial moon and, in order to reduce costs they intend to use open source software and hardware for the weapon.

Despite being extremely up-front that the £20,000,000 Death Star Kickstarter is a joke, the project has garnered £50,964 of the total so far. There are 53 days left for funding to take place and the real joke might be if they actually reach the funding target, which has intentionally “…been set high enough to make successful funding almost impossible.”

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