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MTN provides SA’s women with access to the lifestyle services they deserve

Women's health inititives with MTN

August is Women’s Month in South Africa. In recognition of the women who marched on Pretoria in 1956 and to honour the women who make South Africa function, MTN offers every woman access to the benefits of a modern connected life. What does that mean? We’re glad you asked.

Women have a very specific set of requirements, by virtue of their physiology. There’s the endocrine changes that accompany puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, and other physical, mental, and emotional challenges to contend with. MTN offers services that make navigating these sometimes perilous waters a little less treacherous. The aim is an improved work-life balance, where home and office operate together for maximum happiness.

Everyone needs a SmartDr

SmartDr is an MTN-supported opt-in subscription that offers health and wellness advice to all sorts of users, with a special emphasis on the situations that women face on the daily. The digital tools available on the platform can act as a support through the various stages of pregnancy before transitioning over to the assistance that new mothers need when getting to know their babies.

Of course, that’s not all there is to the platform. In addition to tracking baby milestones, whether they’re out and about or still in their ‘bump’ phase, there’s also loads of advice on general health. Special sections dealing with diabetes and maintaining your heart’s wellness are also available, with programs designed to improve your relationship with sugar and your cardiovascular health.

All of this is available for a nominal daily, weekly, or monthly fee, putting good health at anyone’s fingertips.

MTN drives personal growth

Life as a woman doesn’t just revolve around child-rearing. There’s more to tackle than scattered toys and dirty nappies. It’s to that end that Max Life Growth, an opt-in subscription service from MTN, has been developed and released. For a small daily, weekly, or monthly fee, customers can embark on a 100-day journey toward general lifestyle improvement with the company’s “life coach in your pocket.”

Max Life Growth offers a series of programs for improving and enhancing your life. The results of these programs is reward enough. In addition to this, MTN has decided to up the attractiveness of an excellent life by offering subscribers access to daily rewards, which take the form of data. Subscribers also stand the chance to win prizes, totalling R1 million.

Change your mind, set some goals (and achieve them), learn how to manage money, and implement discipline in your own life and reap more than just the positive changes that inevitably follow. MTN’s Max Life Growth platform lets you keep the motivation and advice you need on your mobile phone, driving you to achieve the next level in your life.

Winning women

Access to skills and services that could make a significant difference in your life shouldn’t be inaccessible. MTN’s life-improving platforms are for everybody but especially South African women in the month of August. Just follow the link to get the help you need, the assistance you want, and the suggestions that could make all the difference between a good life and a great one.

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