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Eskom officially suspends load shedding… for now

Eskom load shedding

Eskom after buying extra electricity

The day has finally arrived – after a record-breaking number of days of load shedding, Eskom has confirmed load shedding’s suspension. Mark your calendars for tomorrow, 8 October at 5 AM.

Power levels over

“While the generation capacity constraints persist, the suspension of load-shedding is possible due to the anticipated lower weekend demand, as well as adequate levels of emergency generation reserves,” the power utility stated.

Try and enjoy your Saturday while you can. We all know Eskom and its scummy tactics. Get the general public off its back, before immediately sending us down a spiral into stage 4+.

“Eskom will publish a further update on Sunday afternoon, or as soon as there are any significant changes.”

Read More: Eskom’s plan to potentially bring an additional 1GW to the grid

Generation units at Hendrina, Grootvlei, Kendal, Kriel, Camden, Majuba and Tutuka power stations all returned in the late hours of yesterday afternoon. With the good comes the bad, as yesterday also saw the Duvha Power Station lose a generating unit to repairs.

“We currently have 5,512MW on planned maintenance, while another 13,484MW of capacity is unavailable due to breakdowns,” Eskom said.

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