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Alienware debuts Concept Nyx ahead of CES 2022

Alienware - Concept Nyx

Image: Dell

If you’re into technology, CES is always an exciting time. Companies take the opportunity to show off some of the new products or ideas they are working on. This year, Alienware is focusing on the home gaming experience with its Concept Nyx.

The core idea with Concept Nyx is to centralise all of your games across the various storefronts, platforms and methods of viewing to one point that’s accessible anywhere in your house and where switching between devices or platforms is as seamless as walking into the next room.

That’s cool Alienware, but why?

While it might sound like a grand idea, we’re struggling to imagine a world where this takes off. The ideal use-case for this kind of system would be a house with many gamers under the same roof.

Theoretically, Concept Nyx removes the need to fight over who gets a turn on the TV and seems like it wants to bring gamers physically closer together by sharing a screen. It’s a nice idea but how well it will work and whether it will even be available to us here in SA are good questions. We think we already know the answer to ’em.

It’s good to remember that this is just a concept after all. Maybe this will lead to Alienware developing a machine capable of powering 4 instances of Cyberpunk 2077 all running at 4K60fps on different devices around your house. We wouldn’t count on it though. 

Source: Engadget 

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