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Cast your vote for Stuff’s 2018 Reader Smartphone and Reader Gadget of the Year

Stuff always has a tough time at the end of the year. Not just because we’re fed up with the year-to-date (though, like the rest of the world, we often are) but because we have to sift through every piece of tech that entered the office, crossed a desk, or was fired out of an air cannon (that actually happened once) and decide which of these glorious items is worthy of winning one of Stuff’s Gadget Awards categories.

But we don’t like to do it alone. We’ve got a couple of categories that are reserved for you, the readers, to have their say. Not because we don’t want to do the work (we do) but because we want you to experience the same highs and lows we do. We’ve got two Reader categories for the 2018 Gadget Awards: Reader Smartphone of the Year and Reader Gadget of the Year.

And what we’re asking you to do isn’t easy. These are the two most consistently difficult categories for the Stuff team to judge, with only occasional clear winners… and we do so look forward to having those happen. But when it comes to choosing which phone was the best of the year or which gadget deserves to be the overall winner for 2018, we agonise over those choices just as much as you’re about to. It’s not as easy as it looks.

We’re hoping that you’ll take the time to make your opinion known. We’ve got Stuff‘s nominees for Reader Smartphone and Reader Gadget of the Year below but we’ve also included some space for you to nominate something yourself. If you feel we’ve missed something crucial, please be sure to let us know.

Brought to you by Vumatel.

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